
What we do at Sunn Ledelse?

Sunn Ledelse provides professional services for both private and public sectors. We have been in the industry for over 20 years, specializing in leadership and organizational development.
Our approach is influenced by humanistic psychology, focusing on understanding individual experiences and perspectives.
We assist with internal processes such as communication and interpersonal relationships, particularly focusing on developing effective leaders through personalized conversations.
We also offer support in areas like conflict resolution, team building, and stress management.
Additionally, we provide coaching programs and leadership courses.


Our consultant Anne Marie Saxlund is a dedicated, passionate, and knowledgeable course leader who is committed to delivering high-quality content to participants. She approaches her work with great enthusiasm and puts her heart and soul into ensuring you have a meaningful learning experience. Anne Marie consistently receives positive feedback, with participants expressing their gratitude for her ability to convey complex information in a simple and understandable manner.

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